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Pre-Orders for WooCommerce

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Intro to Min/Max Quantities for WooCommerce

The Min/Max Quantities for WooCommerce plugin lets you set minimum and maximum quantities for products in your WooCommerce store. It also allows you to define quantity steps. This feature helps manage inventory and control purchase orders. It ensures that customers buy within the limits you set.

Available Options

Here is a basic explanation of the options in the plugin interface:

General Options

In this section, you can set global rules for minimum and maximum quantities. These rules will apply to all products in your store. You can also exclude some products from these rules. Additionally, you can create custom messages for your customers.

  • Enable global quantities: Turn on this option to apply global quantity settings.
  • Exclude products: Select the products that will not follow the global rules.
  • Minimum quantity: Enter the value for the minimum quantity.
  • Maximum quantity: Set the value for the maximum quantity.
  • Quantity step: Define the increment or quantity step

Cart Limits

In this section, you can set specific quantity limits for the shopping cart. This helps you control the number of products a customer can add to the cart in a single purchase.

  • Cart minimum limit: Define the minimum number of products needed in the cart to make a purchase.
  • Cart maximum limit: Set the maximum number of products allowed in the cart.
  • Cart step: Specify the increment in the number of products in the cart.

Product Page

This section lets you customize how quantity restrictions are shown on product pages. It also allows you to communicate these restrictions to customers.

  • Show quantity limits: Turn on or off the display of quantity limits on the product page.
  • Quantity limit messages: Set up the messages that will inform customers about the quantity restrictions.


Here you can control the plugin license. This includes activation and deactivation. You can also view the license information.

  • Activate license: Enter your license key to activate the plugin.
  • Deactivate license: Deactivate the license key if you no longer need to use the plugin.

For more detailed information on managing WordPress plugins, you can visit the 

WordPress Plugin Handbook.

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