Premium version

General explanation – plugin features


On the General tab you can see the general options of the plugin and configure the global behaviour..

  • Hide shipping fields if Local Pickup

    It will hide the shipping fields when Local Pickup shipping method is selected

Estimate delivery time

On this section you configure options for the delivery time estimation. You can read more this on the article How to show estimated delivery date instead of choosing a date on checkout

  • Show estimate delivery time on checkout

    Show/Hide delivery estimated time information.

    Usually used if delivery date and pickup date are both disabled. It shows the estimated time for delivery based on the minimum preparation time (Default minimum delivery time in hours).

    Uses current checkout time for calculation.

    Default Minimum delivery time (in hours): Default brew time in hours, used if there is no other specific setting on a product or a day of the week that may have a different brew time.

    Text label to estimate delivery date: Text to show on checkout page

    Custom css class: CSS class appended to the HTML element on checkout page

Global Limits

On this section are configured limits like time and quantity. These settings are overwritten by the weekday settings.

  • Same day cutoff time

    Do not allow choosing delivery timeslots after this time on same day order.

  • Next day cutoff time

    Do not allow choosing delivery timeslots after this time on next day.

  • Delivery Timeslot order Qty

    Determines the number of orders that can be placed on the same timeslot.
    The timeslot is hidden upon reaching the limit, and it is not possible to choose it during checkout. ]
    Applied only if the “Delivery Time ” is enabled. You must consider the delivery date in addition to the chosen slot.

  • Limit of product quantity

    Limit daily product quantity can be ordered / delivered.

  • Pickup Timeslot order Qty

    Limit the number of orders on same timeslot for local pickup.
    Determines the number of orders that can be placed on the same timeslot.
    The timeslot is hidden upon reaching the limit, and it is not possible to choose it during checkout.
    Applied only if the “Pickup Time ” is enabled (inside Pickup Time section). Must consider pickup date in addition to chosen slot

Calendar Appearance

On this section you can configure the calendar language and the date format for displaying the calendar in checkout.

  • Calendar Locale
    You can set the calendar language. It changes the month and weekdays according to language
    being applied in the delivery date field and in the pickup date
  • Date format

    Date format shown on checkout, email and orders page. In each order with delivery date, an additional postmeta is also recorded with the date in the format yyyy-mm-dd

    Example of how it shows on checkout

Business days Settings

On this tab are configured the days available for Delivery and the days available for Picking.
Holidays can be set on the “Spicific days off” section

You can set the Delivery days under Business days Settings.
The weekdays unchecked will be hidden in checkout calendar. This feature is ignored if no weekday is set

Working weekdays

  • Delivery Days
    Weekdays available on calendar. Default ALL if nothing selected
  • Pickup Days Days
    Weekdays available on calendar. Default ALL if nothing selected

Specific Days off

You can set specific days to hide on calendar, like holidays.

  • Delivery Days off
    Disable specific dates on calendar. Click on Add New to include days.

    Choose the year, month and days

    Label: A description for this setting, default is the Month and Year

    Year / Month: Fill the year and month for these days

    Days: Comma-separated days, it is ignored if empty

  • Pickup Days off
    Disable specific dates on calendar. Click on Add New to include days.

    Choose the year, month and days

    Label: A description for this setting, default is the Month and Year

    Year / Month: Fill the year and month for these days

    Days: Comma-separated days, it is ignored if empty

Global Delivery Settings

On this tab are configured the Delivery Options according to your needs

  • Enable delivery date

    Allows you to choose delivery date at checkout

  • Allow Customer edit the delivery date

    Customer can change the delivery date from My Account / My Orders section

  • Enable delivery time

    when turned on, allows you to choose a time slot at checkout. Time slots are generated according to the following options

Delivery timeslots

On this are is generated the timelots available for deliverying according your business.

  • Timeslot Begin – End

    It can be considered business hours, of time slots are generated taking into account this time range

  • Timeslot duration

    Duration of each generated time slot in minutes

  • Time format

    how the time will be shown at checkout

  • Timeslots example on checkout

    Generates the timeslots for checkout page, according to the Timeslot Duration

    For example Begin at 8 am, End at 3pm, with 50 minutes interval, this setting generates the following timeslots on checkout:

Global delivery limits

These settings are applied when there is no weekday setting

Minimum order amount for no delivery charge

set the Delivery fee = 0 if the order amount reaches this value

  • Delivery charge

    Default fee for the delivery service, it is added to the cart as delivery fee. Used if there is no weekday specific delivery fee.

  • Delivery date change access Hrs.

    Specify how many hours an user has to change the delivery date after placing an order

  • Urgency of delivery fee

    On this section you can choose apply an extra tax according to the days to deliver considering the order date.

    • Enable Delivery charge according to number of days
      Enable Delivery Charges Based on Number of Days (Urgent Delivery Charges).
      This overwrites any other delivery fee.
      This setting is not overwritten by week delivery charge.

    • Additional charge by days from current day

      Additional Charges Based on Number of Days from Current Date

      Label: A description to the change

      Number of days: Days of urgency for this fee

      Additional Delivery Fee: The amount to be included in cart

    Global weekdays delivery settings

    Settings and limits according specific weekday. This is setting is ignored if a custom schedule is applied

    • Weekdays Schedule Settings

      Customize the delivery schedules and limits by weekday

      Weekday: The day of the week to apply the setting

      Minimum delivery time (in hours): Minimum number or hours to prepare to delivery, this overrides the default (global) setting

      Max number of deliveries for this weekday: Do not allow new deliveries if the limit is reached

      Message for reaching max quantity: Message when it reached the max orders quantity

      Max number of deliveries for each timeslot: Do not allow new deliveries if the limit is reached

      Message for not available slots: Message when all slots reached the max quantity

      Delivery charge for this weekday: The delivery fee for this weekday

      Minimum order amount for no delivery charge on this weekday: Sets fee = 0 when order amount reaches this value

      Cutoff time: Enable cutoff time

      Weekday cutoff time: Block choosing delivery timeslots after this time on this weekday.
      This setting overwrites the global cutoff time

      Products: Products to apply this weekday setting

      Product Categories: Categories to apply this weekday setting

    Restring delivery to specific products

    Choose this options when you want only a few products / categories should be available for delivery

    • Restrict delivery date only for the products bellow

      It shows the delivery date field only for the selected product / categories. If it is turned off, it will show delivery date field according the default “Enable delivery date” setting

    • Products

      The list of products available for delivery, all settings will be applied only for these products

    • Product Categories

      The list of categories available for delivery, all settings will be applied only for these product categories

    Global Pickup Settings

    On this tab are set the global behaviour when user uses local pickup

    • Enable pickup date

      when turned on, allows you to choose a pickup date at checkout.

    • Enable pickup time

      when turned on, allows you to choose a time slot at checkout. Time slots are generated according to the following options

    Pick-up timeslots

    On this section are generated the available timelots according your time schedule

    • Timeslot Begin – End

      It can be considered business hours, of time slots are generated taking into account this time range

    • Timeslot duration

      Duration of each generated time slot in minutes

    • Time format

      how the time will be shown at checkout

    Pick-up locations settings

    On this section you can create all available locations user can choose on the checkout and the products available on each location.

    • Location field required

      Location pickup required on checkout

    • Pickup Locations label

      The text on locations field at checkout

    • Pickup Locations

      Add the pickup locations

      Location name: The Pickup-up location name

      Location Address: The Pickup-up location Address

      Products: Products available to pickup. It enables this location only for the chosen products

    Custom Delivery Schedules

    • Enable custom schedules

      It enables the custom schedules. This settings has precedence of all other

    Custom Schedule

    You can choose create a custom schedule by Product or By ship method

    Custom Schedule – by Product

    Schedule based on: Settings applied based on products in cart

    Enable/Disable Delivery fields: Disable/Enable for specific products

    Products: Products to apply this setting

    Product Categories: Categories to apply

    Block Slot time in hours: Timeslots start time will depend on this. It considers the current time on checkout.
    It works as a preparation time to deliver.

    • Weekdays Schedule Settings:

      Customize Days and Time on specific weekdays

      Weekday: The weekdays to apply this settings

      Enable/Disable Delivery Time: Enable timeslots on checkout

      Timeslots: Choose if want to generate the timeslots based on a given time and duration, or if want to specify each timeslots manually

      Timeslot Begin – End: Begin – end for generating timeslots

      Timeslot duration: Duration in minutes for each generated timeslot

    Custom Schedule – by Shipping Method

    Schedule based on: Settings applied based on shipping method

    Enable/Disable Delivery fields: Disable/Enable for specific shipping method

    Shipping Method: Shipping Method to apply this setting

    • Weekdays Schedule Settings:

      Customize Days and Time on specific weekdays

      Weekday: The weekdays to apply this settings

      Enable/Disable Delivery Time: Enable timeslots on checkout

      Timeslots: Choose if want to generate the timeslots based on a given time and duration, or if want to specify each timeslots manually

      Timeslot Begin – End: Begin – end for generating timeslots

      Timeslot duration: Duration in minutes for each generated timeslot


    Plugin integration with google calendar. This integration requires some manual steps on google panel.

    Google Calendar

    • Enable google calendar Integration

      Send new delivery orders to the google calendar

    • Json Credentials full path
      Path to the Google credentials json file like: /var/www/credentials/yourgoogleproject-1234.json
      Try not using a public web folder
    • Enable google calendar Integration

      Fill with the calendar id

    • Google Calendar Steps to config

      1 – Google Calendar API requires PHP V7.4+ and some PHP extensions.

      2 – Go to Google APIs console by clicking Login to your Google account if you are not already logged in.

      3 – Click on “Create Project”. Name the project “Deliveries” (or use your chosen name instead) and create the project.

      4 – Click on APIs & Services from the left side panel. Select the Project created.

      5 – Click on “Enable APIs and services” on the dashboard. Search for “Google Calendar API” and enable this API.

      6 – Go to “Credentials” menu in the left side pane and click on “CREATE CREDENTIALS” link and from the dropdown that appears select “Service account.”

      7 – Enter Service account name, id, and description and Create the service account.

      8 – In the next step assign Owner role under Service account permissions, keep options in the third optional step empty and click on Done button.

      9 – Now edit the Service account that you have created and under the “Keys” section click on Add Key>> Create New Key, in the popup that opens select “json” option and click on the CREATE button. A file with extension .json will be downloaded.

      10 – Using your FTP client program ( e.g.: FileZilla, WinSCP ), copy this key file to your server, in some non public web public folder like /var/www/credentials, but be sure it can be readable by the webserver user (usually www-data). This file is required as you will grant access to your Google Calendar account even if you are not online. So this file serves as a proof of your consent to access to your Google calendar account.
      Note: This file cannot be uploaded in any other way. If you do not have FTP access, ask the website admin to do it for you.

      11 – Copy the full path to your file: It is something like /var/www/credentials/your-google-project-name-OY7364-huj72.json and paste it to the field “Json Credentials full path” on Google calendar settings.

      12 – Copy “Service Account ID” from Manage service account under API service-> Credentials of Google apis console and paste it to “Service account email address” setting of Order Delivery Date.

      13 – Open your Google Calendar by clicking this link:

      14 – Create a new Calendar by clicking on “+” sign next to “Other Calendars” section on left side pane. Try NOT to use your primary calendar.

      15 – Give a name to the new calendar, e.g. Delivery calendar. Check that Calendar Time Zone setting matches with time zone setting of your WordPress website. Otherwise there will be a time shift.

      16 – Create the calendar and once it is created click on the Configure link which will appear at the end of the page, this will redirect you to Calendar Settings section. Paste already copied (from step 12) “Service Account ID” from Manage service account of Google APIs console to “Add People” field under “Share with specific people”.

      17 – Set “Permission Settings” of this person as “Make changes to events” and add the person.

      18 – Now copy “Calendar ID” value from Integrate Calendar section and paste the value to “Google calendar id” field of Plugin settings.

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