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Pre-Orders for WooCommerce

Role Based Pricing for WooCommerce - Pro

Role Based Pricing for WooCommerce – Pro


Define general settings
for the plugin such the roles that will
be customizations

  • Allowed roles

    Choose the list of customizable
    user roles, that will be available
    on the Rules configuration and on
    product specific settings

  • Add guest user to allowed roles

    Turn on this option to append the Guest roles to the list,
    use this options if you need set different
    rules for unauthenticated visitors

  • This link opens the Rules Manager, where you can define product prices
    in bulk for specific products or categories

    more details in the article: How to create global rules for Products and user roles

Product Limits

In this section you define if prices or add to cart
button should be hidden for guest users or authenticated users.

  • Enable hide price & add to cart

    Turn on / Turn off the the feature

  • Hide from Guest Users

    Hide price or add to cart button to the guest users

  • Hide from Authenticated Users

    Hide price or add to cart button to the Authenticated users

  • Hide add to cart button

    Hide add to cart button according to user type and chosen products

  • Hide price

    Hide the product price in shop page and single product page, according to user type and chosen products.
    It still shows the product price on cart if the “add to cart” button is enabled

  • Products

    The list of products to apply this setting

  • Product Categories

    The list of categories to apply this setting

Product Quotation

On this section you enable the plugin to insert an “enquiry” button
onto each Product Page. Through
this button, a prospective customer has the
capability to reach out to you by asking questions or seeking a price estimate for a particular product.

  • Enable ask for a quote button

    If turned on the plugin will append
    a button in product page opening a form.

    This form can be inserted with shortcode
    or create with a few fields on next steps

  • Products

    Enable the button for specific products

  • Products Categories

    Enable the button for all products in the categories

  • Container CSS Class

    Append a custom CSS class to allow customize the style

  • Form Type

    Allows to create a simple form or use a third party form with a given shortcode

    Create Fields

    It opens a simple form editor allowing to include many text fields to your form.

    This form opens on a modal and it is summited by email to the site admin

    Use form shortcode from third party

    Allow to include a shorcode that will be rendered in the modal when user click on the button

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