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Pre-Orders for WooCommerce


Email Templates for Pre-Order

The Preorders for WooCommerce plugin offers various email templates tailored to different situations. Below are the main functionalities:

1. New Pre-order – Admin

This template notifies the admin when a new pre-order is received.

2. Pre-Order Order – Customers

This template is sent to customers to confirm that their pre-orders have been received and are pending.

3. Pre-order Alert – Admin

This template alerts the admin about important events related to pre-orders, such as status changes.

4. Pre-order Available Today – Customers

This template notifies customers when their pre-orders are available to be processed.

5. Pre-Order Order (Pay later) – Customers

This template informs customers about the status of pre-orders that have chosen the pay later option.

Example of Customization: New Pre-order – Admin

To illustrate how to customize a template, we will use the example of New Pre-order – Admin. The process is similar for the other templates.

Customization Options:

  • Enable/Disable: Enable or disable this email notification.
  • Recipient(s): Enter the email address of the recipient (default: [email protected]).
  • Subject: Adjust the email subject (default: [{site_title}]: New pre-order #{order_number}).
  • Email heading: Configure the email heading (default: New Pre-Order: #{order_number}).
  • Additional content: Add additional content to the email (default: Congratulations on the sale.).
  • Email type: Select the email format, such as HTML.

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