
An efficient system that easily translates to the specific needs of a WooCommerce storefront, our plugin allows.
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8 Ways to Make Your WooCommerce Store Faster
Speed is crucial for a WooCommerce site since a fast website provides a better shopping experience. When the user experience is good, it will translate to happy customers, increased ROI, and improved SEO. Enhancing the speed of your WooCommerce website prevents lost sales from customer drop-offs, which will lead to greater revenue and profits. If […]
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How to Choose a WordPress Theme
WordPress design cannot assist you in picking out a theme that meets your aesthetics. However, it can help you ensure that the theme you select is successful for your WordPress site. WordPress themes aren’t all the same. There are some items to look out for to avoid later complications. Make A List of Requirements The […]
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What You Need to Set Up an Ecommerce Store
Ecommerce has been a powerful force in the retail sector since its creation. The internet has made it possible for small business owners to sell their products on a larger scale. When you set up an eCommerce, you’re taking a major step in growing your small business. However, with this comes the need and create […]
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How the CartFlows Plugin Can Increase Conversions
This post explores how companies can gain from increased conversions with CartFlows, a WordPress plugin that dramatically improves user experience. Most WordPress plugins, such as LifterLMS, include native WooCommerce connections that let you sell courses and memberships. The main issue is that the WooCommerce extension lacks sufficient functionality to keep your potential consumers interested and […]
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10 Amazing Tips to Create a Successful e-Commerce
It seems like every day, we hear about a new e-commerce business model. There is a way to start and succeed in internet business, from online stores to mobile apps. But how do you know if your internet business is the right one for you? One thing to consider is the use of suitable models. […]
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How to Choose WordPress Plugins for Your Needs
WordPress is a powerful platform with many features and options. However, figuring out which plugins to use for your website can be overwhelming. This ultimate guide shows you how to choose the best WordPress plugins for your needs. Here, you’ll find everything from security to SEO plugins. When choosing WordPress plugins, you should keep a few […]
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The Importance of Reviews for Your Ecommerce Store
Business owners strive to offer superior products, excellent customer service and exceed their customers’ expectations. This combination of factors is the best way to improve brand loyalty. Improved brand loyalty means a better bottom line and more customer referrals. However, it would be best if you did even more to succeed in the vibrant and […]
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free shipping versus lower prices
Is Free Shipping Better for Business Than Lower Prices?
As humans, we tend to get attracted to commodities that come with zero-dollar price tags, regardless of what they are. It would be almost unthinkable to buy a company’s branded t-shirt. But if it’s a gift? You’ll easily hop in to get one. It’s an undeniable fact that, as a society, we love freebies. How […]
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The Top 10 WordPress Plugins 2022
The Top 10 WordPress Plugins 2022. WordPress is an incredible web hosting platform for individuals and businesses to display their blog, portfolio, or sell products on an eCommerce website. With more than 409 million people viewing more than 20 billion pages every month, it’s no secret that WordPress dominates the internet. Millions of people trust and […]
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Why are Reviews Essential for Your Ecommerce Store
Why are Reviews Essential for Your Ecommerce Store? Today, a customer may not drive several miles to check out a product glossily displayed in a brick-and-mortar store. Instead, they check out the product details on your website, social media pages, and review sites like Yelp Angie’s List Google Reviews Facebook OpenTable, etc. According to a […]
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Testing WordPress and WooCommerce Plugins in Staging
Learn About Testing WordPress and WooCommerce Plugins in Staging. The average eCommerce website earns around $330,000 per month by the end of its first year, but one mistake during an update or plugin installation can cost you your piece of the eCommerce pie. Thankfully, you can avoid that if you test your WordPress and WooCommerce plugins […]
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Improving WooCommerce Functionality With Plugins
It is improving WooCommerce Functionality With Plugins! WordPress is the most popular and widely used CMS platform in the world. So, there’s a good chance if you have a website, it’s built on WordPress. WooCommerce is a free eCommerce plugin that is built for WordPress. Most likely, if you have or want an eCommerce site, […]
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How to Use WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing
Did you know that you can add dynamic pricing to your products on your WooCommerce store? Using third-party plugins, you can introduce dynamic pricing to your products for extra customization and boost your revenue per item. With dynamic pricing, you can include sales, discounts for bulk purchases, loyalty discounts, and more. WooCommerce dynamic pricing opens […]
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How To Bulk Install Your Favorite Plugins in WordPress
WordPress offers thousands of free plugins to help optimize your site’s look, performance, and manageability, but individually installing them can be highly time-consuming. In this short guide, you will learn how to simplify this process, and bulk install your favorite plugins in WordPress, giving you time to focus on what matters — content. A Bulk […]
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Top WordPress Popup Plugins in 2021
Top WordPress Popup Plugins in 2021! WordPress is a hugely versatile platform upon which to build your website. When integrated with WooCommerce, the potential for converting leads into sales is immense, which is why at Bright Vessel, we’ve built over ???? e-commerce sites on WordPress.= In this Top WordPress Popup Plugins in 2021 NinjaPopups Getsitecontrol […]
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How to Send Auto Replies to Multiple Recipients From a WordPress Contact Form
The world of automation is here, and it brings multiple possibilities for you and your business. Automated emails can help strengthen your relationship with your clients by starting a conversation with them. Auto replies also can save you valuable time: now you can use your time more efficiently instead of having to write emails all […]
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5 Best PDF Plugins for WordPress (Viewer, Embed, & Downloads)
While it can seem a little frustrating that the PDF is still around, there are plenty of good reasons why it’s the case. It’s an excellent format that’s highly customizable, easy to download and share, and more secure than other documents since they can be password-protected. Alas, while you might have plenty of PDFs you […]
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How to Embed Actual Tweets in WordPress Blog Posts
How to Embed Actual Tweets in WordPress Blog Posts? There are more than 330m monthly active users on Twitter, and 145 million users access the network daily. In total, 1.3 billion accounts have been created. Influencers favor this network, too, and 10% of users write 80% of online tweets. What does this tell us? Twitter […]
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How to Add Additional User Profile Fields in WordPress Registration
How to Add Additional User Profile Fields in WordPress? You never get a second chance to make the best first impression possible. WordPress website owners should be all too aware of this fact. That’s particularly true when you’re trying to gather information about people visiting your site. Gathering information is important because it can help […]
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MedCline Review – How They Destroyed Their Brand by Not Using Preorders
At Bright Vessel, we like nothing more than finding a brand that’s doing things right. Fair competition makes us all thrive in business, as it makes us all get creative to find our place in the market. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case, and sometimes, it’s mistakes we have to learn from – like what […]
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8 Best WordPress Testimonial Plugins
Know the 8 Best WordPress Testimonial Plugins! Trust is essential for any business website. Without a high level of trust and authority, customers will not stay on your website for long. Don’t forget that more than 80% of customers admit to checking reviews before committing to buying products and services online. So, how can you […]
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Important Benefits of CRM for E-commerce & Retail Businesses
Learn about an Important Benefits of CRM for E-commerce & Retail Businesses. A significant part of a good CRM tool’s genius is that it automates many of the granular processes involved in customer management, freeing you up time and energy. One of the significant innovations of the Internet age has been that many entrepreneurial ventures […]
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