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Min/Max Quantities for WooCommerce

The WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities Plugin will allow you to determine both maximum and minimum thresholds and group/multiple amounts for each product, with variations, included.

This is an effective way of restricting the quantities of products that consumers can purchase with WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities.

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How The Min/Max Quantities WooCommerce Works

Set quantity rules for products, variations, and orders
  • Configuration at global and product level
    You can set minimum, maximum, and step quantities for both
    simple and variable products individually within each product, or apply these settings globally through the plugin for all products.
  • For each variable product
    You can also set the maximum and minimum quantity requirements on a per-variation basis for each product.
  • Parent product setting
    You can apply the maximum and minimum quantity rules globally for variable products, rather than setting them for each individual variation.
  • Product Exclusions
    You can also set rules to exclude specific products from the maximum and minimum cost & Quantity rules.
  • Cart Amount Limits
    You can set both a maximum and minimum total cost for the items in the shopping cart to enable the checkout process. If these criteria are not met, the checkout button will be hidden on the cart page. If the ‘Hide Cart and Checkout Buttons’ option is enabled
  • Cart Quantity Limits
    You can set both a maximum and minimum quantity of the shopping cart items required for the person to checkout.
  • Hide Cart and Checkout Buttons
    You can enable this feature to hide the “Proceed to Checkout” and “Place Order” buttons on the cart and checkout pages if the quantities or amounts are not within the cart limits.
  • Texts & Labels
    All labels and warning messages can be edited from the plugin settings.

In General Options, you will see Global Setting. Enable global “Quantities” to apply the configuration globally in the store. This option will ensure that the minimum and maximum quantity rules you set will apply to all products across your store.

If you do not enable this option, the min/max quantity rules will not be applied globally, and you will need to configure them individually for each product.

Read more
  •  Simple products
    Setting minimum and maximum quantities for simple products in WooCommerce is essential for managing your store’s inventory and controlling sales. This guide will walk you through the steps to configure these limits using the Bright Plugins extension.
  • Variable products
    Configuring minimum and maximum quantities for variable products in WooCommerce is essential for managing your store’s inventory and controlling sales. This guide will show you the steps to set these limits using the Bright Plugins extension.
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Setting cart limits in WooCommerce is crucial for managing purchases and ensuring that quantity and amount rules are met in your store. This guide will walk you through the steps to enable and configure these options using the Min/Max Quantities for WooCommerce extension.

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When managing a WooCommerce store, there are times when you need to exclude specific products from global quantity rules. The Min/Max Quantities for WooCommerce plugin allows administrators to define exceptions for certain products, ensuring that the global quantities settings do not apply to them. This can be particularly useful for managing inventory and specific promotional items.

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Free vs Pro

Exclude products
Minimum Quantity
Maximum Quantity
Quantity Step
For Simple Products
For Variable Products
Minimum Quantity Message
Maximum Quantity Message
Step Quantity Message
Enable Cart limits
Hide Cart and Checkout buttons
Enable Cart Quantity Limits
Minimum Cart Quantity
Maximum Cart Quantityity
Min Quantity Message
Max Quantity Exceed Message
Enable Cart Amount Limits
Minimum Cart Amount
Maximum Cart Amount
Min Amount Message
Max Amount Exceed Message
Max Quantity Exceed Message
Already Cart Message
Text for variable product limits
Additional Text for variable product limits
Text for variant combination allowed


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Min/Max Quantities for WooCommerce
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Min/Max Quantities for WooCommerce

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