
Best WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugins 2020


WooCommerce Loyalty Points and Rewards

In case the WooCommerce platform enables your online store, there are many different plugins you can use to reward your customers with points. Point reward systems are beneficial because they boost customer loyalty for those who plan to use your website regularly and for those who use the site on special occasions.

Regardless of the nature of your e-commerce business and your target market, we have found that points per purchase in general are an effective marketing tool to encourage customers to return to the e-commerce store and drive a steady increase in the number of their purchases. Like everyone else, customers like to feel rewarded for their actions and like they are making progress towards a goal. So, below, we have summarized the most popular points and rewards plugins for WooCommerce.

WPLoyalty – Best WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugins 2020

This is a beautiful plugin for small businesses and mass merchants alike. This store rewards customers for things like product purchases and subscriptions. One fantastic feature that this particular plugin has to offer is that it rewards customers with twenty points every time they write a business review. When customers report a positive review of one of the business’s products, they are rewarded within the points system. The Loyalty Points and Rewards plugin also has a refer-a-friend program that earns points. In this program, the customer can refer friends, family, colleagues, and loved ones to the website to participate. This action rewards the customer with twenty points each time they refer them. The customer simply sends his or her referral URL link to the referral, and once that person places his or her first order with your company, the person who referred him or she earns twenty points. In addition, the manager gets a head start in the point earning process by making ten points for signing up with the customer’s URL link.

Another aspect of this plugin that is beneficial is the Launcher Widget. This program launches a pop-up widget on the website to reveal discounts and reward opportunities when they click on certain items. This is an effective marketing tool because it contains a surprise and encourages the customer to purchase an interactive template.

Gratisfaction – Best WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugins 2020

Gratisfaction is another of the most effective points and rewards plugins for WooCommerce online stores. This brand offers the website designer many features, and this plugin rewards the customer for purchasing, posting a review, signing up, and social shares. The latter is a feature that lacks many other points, and rewards plugins yet are so relevant in today’s modern consumer pools.

While socializing may occur at restaurants, libraries, marketing, book club, or social event, many individuals socialize online. This happens in the form of social media. Social media is a standard aspect of daily life, and satisfied customers often boast of their purchases through their online media channels. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are all very successful social media platform companies that have built their businesses are the general tendency to share consumer information online. The team who designed Gratisfaction understand this concept and, cleverly enough, has developed a system to reward customers with WooCommerce points for sharing their brand on social media.

In addition to this social media sharing points program, the Gratisfaction rewards plugin offers gifts for earning points. This means that the customer is more apt to earn points because it is clear how these points may result in a tangible reward for their efforts.

Gratisfaction Plug-In for WooCommerce

myCred – Best WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugins 2020

myCred is one of the best Rewards plugins for WooCommerce that takes the word award literally. This system is best designed for customers who value WooCommerce points and the sense of being acknowledged positively for their purchases. This is most well-suited for those striving to achieve accolades, as the system is based on earning ranks and badges. As opposedTheugin consists of many achievement levels. Instead of more straightforward points and rewards systems, it offers rewards in the form of honorable recognition for achieving these purchase goals. This system is targeted more toward the target market of young adult professionals. Since the plugin rewards ranks and badges, the e-commerce business owner is encouraged to dole out points more liberally than other plugins that do not offer such official recognition of customer achievement. For example, the business owner may customize the plugin to reward the customer with points simply by logging into the website or viewing a featured item.

The ranks and badge system can be reserved for considerable value customer actions. For example, the website designer may reward the customer with a copper rank for purchasing $100 in a week, a silver rank for purchasing $200 in a week, and a gold rank for purchasing $500 in a week. The badges feature in this app allows the designer to customize the badge thoroughly. Not only does the designer choose which actions the badge is awarded, but they also may choose the image with full customization. The website owner can adjust the appearance of the rewards. There are many levels of badges to be earned. Depending on the website owner’s e-commerce aesthetic, he may alter the badge size. The CSS styling editing options within the plugin allow the website designer to create a large, boisterous badge for the customer to earn or a humble badge. One of the best features of the myCred plugin for WooCommerce is the great extent to which it allows the website owner to customize the program’s intricate details.

myCred Rewards plugins for WooCommerce

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