
How can I override text and labels

Text & Labels

You can override the default text labels used on Pre Order Plugin. Navigate to the plugins settings – Text & Labels Tab

Pre-Order Button Label

Change button title for pre-order products. Default: Preorder Now!

Pre-Order Status Label

Default: Pre Ordered. Change preorder status name

Pre-Order Cart Notice

Text will be shown below the preoder product on the cart page. Default: Note: this item will be available for shipping in {days_left} days

Available variables:

{days_left} = Count preorder date

{human_readable} = 3 weeks

{date_format} = Default site date format ( January 15, 2020 )

Available Date Label

Choose how the available date should be displayed. You can use 3 different variables inside the text, to show either the normal date, the amount of weeks left, or a dynamic countdown. For more information please visit this docs page. Default: Available on {date_format}

Available variables:

{date_format} = Default site date format ( January 15, 2020 )

{human_readable} = 3 weeks

{countdown} = Countdown Timer

Countdown Format

Options: %d days, %h hours, %i minutes, %s seconds

Pre-Order Bagde Label

Default: Preorder

Regular Product Notice

We detected that your cart has regular products. Please remove the pre-order product(s) from the cart before being able to add this product.

Pre-Order Product Notice

We detected that you are trying to add a pre-order product to your cart. Please remove the rest of the product(s) from the cart before being able to add this product.

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